The Gospel According to a Snowflake

The Gospel According to a Snowflake Winter, with its brisk cold, calls hardy nature lovers to sample its frozen wonders. One of these wonders is the simple snowflake with it's many hidden treasures. Snow is mentioned 25 times in the Bible and in this book you will discover some of the spiritual lesson found in snow. Discover the beauty of a snowflake as you learn how they form, study their complex design, and learn practical character-building lessons that you can apply to your life. Preparedness, Little Things, Forgiveness, Trials, Unity, Pure Motives, and Wise Use of Time, are just a few of the 24 character lessons taught from snow! Each 1-page lesson is accompanied by a line drawing of the topic that can be colored in by the reader to help instill the lesson into the individual's character. [$12.95 + S/H $4 (WA tax), US Only]


Creation Illustrated